New comic! ** This comic has a sketchy outline of my packer, so may be considered NSFW*** I've been travelling for work and am kind of wiped out, but I can say that I didn't really think about it when I threw my packer into my bag and then was suddenly alarmed to see the screening guy reaching into the pocket to pull it out. He seemed a little surprised by my reaction and ended up just shrugging and said 'whatever' and waved me through, but it was stupid and unnecessary. I'm tired and worn out, but I have so many good comics in the pipes for you all, so bear with me and check in next week!   Transcript: CASTA (Canadian TSA) meets the Packer CASTA: What's this? RH: sir, that is a personal appliance. I would strongly prefer that you not handle it. If you need to examine it more closely, I will need you and a second officer to take me to a private screening room.

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